Our CEO James Punderson IV wrote a monthly column for "Inside Education" a magazine for K-12 administrators. Below are links to his latest articles.
What to do When the wiring crew goes home
Now that your school district is wired, how do you keep traffic flowing? Many districts
are turning to application service providers to avoid some of the complexities and
expenses of maintaining networks.
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Chasing after fixed assets that aren't fixed
Taking inventory of your school district's assets and implementing a comprehensive
tracking system will result in better planning, effective budgeting and greater efficiency.
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School Daze
Yes Virginia, there is an e-rate scandal
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AAA-AA Technology Strategy
Before purchasing anything, the question to be answered is "Why?" If you cannot answer that, nothing else on the list matters.
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School Daze
There's Bears in Them Thar Woods

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Tiptoeing Through the E-Rate Minefield
Read The Article

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  voice 732.929.1485  -  fax 732.359.1522  -  e-mail networks@k12usa.com